Bundle Up!

It’s coming! It’s coming! … actually, with the amount of white stuff that fell overnight Sunday, I’d say it’s already here 🙂 Yeah, it snowed Sunday night, very late at night (you see the things you encounter when you forget to go to sleep? :> )

It’s rather chilly this morning. But, it’s also a really nice-looking morning in that it’s not COLD. Just crisp and sunny. It’s the kind of days that remind me of all the times Chantale and I would sit at Starbucks in Chapters (in Pointe Claire) and enjoy a nice cup of coffee or apple cider…

*sigh* … I can almost breathe in the warm vapors now… 🙂

Hello everyone! I’m back at the VB Course this morning. Got in a little early to check mail (voice and E) and figured I’d post a quick hello. It’s a nice thing to be in training and still have access to the mailboxes :>

More later! (let’s hope no headaches today. I also have to skip out on about an hour’s worth in order to go catch my Loma 280 course). Lots of hopping around this week, it seems!

All in all? I’m in a good mood 🙂 Had a good ride in with Chantale this morning even though we didn’t get a chance to grab a cup of coffee together. Ok, let me get a tea or something before class starts so I’ll at least have something to do while listening to the lectures 🙂

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