Hello! Not much to say today. Got another migrane at 9:45pm last night and quickly went to bed. Chantale pointed out that I’m just overly stressed and when I thought about it, I realized that’s quite true. I have a TON of stuff in my head right now and it’s bothersome. Comicopia deadline is on friday and there is still much to get done. My parents 42nd Wedding Anniversary is today and we had quite a row this past weekend. I’m overloaded at work what with taking on my supervisor’s work while he’s on a leave of absence. I had to finish up the Church Newsletter (but that’s done and emailed out and everyone’s happy with it). I’ve got a dozen meetings and training sessions coming up that the deadlines are piling higher and higher. I’m doing rather well in my LOMA 280 course but haven’t had the time to properly read through the book. I’m enjoying my Theology course but haven’t had the time to make proper notes and read through most of the text. Bah.
I’m gonna head out to A.L. Van Houte and relax for an hour nursing a nice hot cup of coffee. Then maybe this afternoon I’ll throw some CDs into my computer at work and listen to some music while I keep reviewing documentation. I guess I’ll post again later on in the day.