Well the weekend has come and gone and it’s back to the working grind. I was thinking on Friday, after I’d picked up the kids and was driving home, just how much time and mileage I spend in my efforts to see them and be a part of their lives. As much as it could be considered a hassle, I really don’t feel that it is. It’s worth it. When I get to the school and have the both of them yell out “Daddy!” and run into my arms screeching in delight, it just makes me melt while it fills me with pride and joy. 🙂
We had a nice pizza supper that night and an early night for Melyssa who wasn’t feeling too hot. James stayed up a bit as my brother and his wife came over to give him the birthday gift they haven’t been able to deliver in a few weeks 🙂 It was a Tiger etching, and a model Hummer. James was ecstatic! We sat around the table chatting and I realized how my little guy has grown up so much. The 4 of us (my brother, his wife, Chantale, and myself) sitting at the table, and James holding court. It was a really sweet moment 🙂
The weekend was nice and relaxing with the usual Saturday Gymnastics for Melyssa and then Beavers for the both of them with Chantale and myself helping out. A nice lunch and nap followed and then some activities. James etched, Melyssa painted and afterwards James and Chantale worked on the Hummer. After supper, we settled into our PJs for Family Movie Night. This time around we watched Winnie The Pooh: Boo To You! (the Halloween special) followed by The Santa Clause (which Chantale hadn’t seen before). As always, Chantale made some excellent BBQ Popcorn we all devoured and had a great night. 🙂
On Sunday, we were all quite tired. After church and lunch, we all napped! Then, we packed our stuff and headed over to Chantale’s parents’ place where her mom was home recovering from pneumonia (instead of being up north with the Turgeon family) and Chantale cooked us all a fabulous Thanksgiving supper! Green beans and bacon, Mashed Potatoes with Mushroom Gravy, and Ham cooked in pineapple juice along with cooked pineapples! It was scrumptious!! 🙂
Monday was our complete day-off. We spent most of it in our pjs as we lounged around the house doing arts and crafts and just enjoying having nothing to do 🙂 We all took nice long baths and by 3:15pm, we loaded up the car again to drive the kids back. It was a beautiful weekend and we were saddened that it seemed to end so quickly. (Chantale admitted to me how she realized how much she actually misses the kids when they’re not around…)
Ah, the life of a parent. Filled with so many peaks and valleys… But definitely wouldn’t change it for the world, except if I could spend more time doing it :>