My alarm went off at 6:30am today. I hit the Off button instead of the Snooze button and turn over. I open my eyes again and it’s 7:25am. That’s when I realized what I had done. Oh boy. No way I’ll get to work by 8:00am. I sit up and it takes me another 5 minutes before I’m awake enough to even get UP out of bed. By the time I figure out what to wear, have a bowl of cereal, and get ready to go, it’s 8:25am. The phone rings and it’s a co-worker asking for help on a process that failed. It’s another wonderful start to another wonderful day. I help him out, put my jacket on, kiss Chantale good-bye, and leave. I didn’t have time to shave and because of the phone call, I’ll get in even later. Joy.
Compared to yesterday, today’s workday is a breeze. Compared to last week, it’s not.
I’ve got a headache. Again. This has been going on for almost 2 weeks now. I can’t figure out if it’s because of fatigue, bad lighting, air quality, or just the pressure of stress!! More than likely it’s a combination of everything. It seems the only times I don’t get headaches is on weekends. Hm. Must find a way to bring the peace, tranquility, and serenity of the weekends to the weekdays. In the meantime, though, it’s time to pop a couple of extra-strength Tylenol in my mouth and wash it down my throat with some coffee.
There is an end in sight, but right now it’s just a painful road to travel… Blah.