I’m swamped.
Ok, this isn’t exactly news to anyone who knows me, but lately I feel like I’ve started to really overload myself even more-so than I’ve done before. It almost seems as though I decided that the last quarter of 2002 should be lived with as much overhead as possible. So, to that effect, I have seemingly taken on numerous projects I normally would not have. For example: I’m involved in my kids’ school as the Transcriber of Minutes (Minute-Man! That’s me! 🙂 ) for the Parent’s Council that meets once a month. I’m a Volunteer Leader (Rusty!) at my kids’ Beavers Group that meets weekly (I’ve even thrown my hat in the ring as FundRaising Chairperson!). On top of that, I’m taking the Introduction to the Principles of Insurance (LOMA Course 280) for work until mid-November, and an Introduction to the New Testament (Theology) course with Chantale once a week. Other work-related courses to come: Implementing IIS server 5.0, Visual Basic, SQL, Oracle, Windows 2000 Server, and more! Every night of the week, I have something occupying my time. I almost have to SCHEDULE leisure time with Chantale! On top of all this, my Supervisor is on a leave of absence until December. This means, naturally, that part of his workload falls on my shoulders. Meetings and Paperwork, anyone? All this, added to my on-going involvements with other personal projects (Comicopia being the longest-running) keeps me hopping like a crackerjack.
The only good thing about being so busy, though, is that I don’t have much time to think. Think about the fact that this past weekend represents the beginning of a new Visitation Schedule with the kids. Due to the distance of where they live and the school they attend in relation to where Chantale and I live, I had to agree (for the best interest of the kids) that in order not to impact their school work so much, I would only see them every second weekend for the school year. Thus, for the first time, there will be a large gap between the times we can have the kids to ourselves. Luckily I’ll still get to see them at Beavers on my “off” weekends, so that’ll lessen the hurt. But still, you can imagine how it feels… It does indeed make us appreciate our time together all the more, though. That is also a very good thing. And heck. Look at how quickly time flies. James turned 8 years old last week. Melyssa’s turning 6 years old in 6 months. Pretty soon they’ll be able to travel on their own and will be free to do as they please… which includes hanging out with us as often as they want 🙂
“Obla-dee, obla-da, life goes on, yeah! La-de-da and life goes on…”