I got a love letter yesterday 🙂
Some folks might find that tacky or sappy but, considering Chantale and I have been together now for over 3 years, I find it quite comforting. Being a writer, I am often spurred into random acts of scripture. I enjoy “storing” a piece of time which details not only events, but emotions (Comicopians can attest to that 🙂 ). So, for me, receiving handwritten notes of affection and love is something I don’t take for granted and which touches me down to the core of my soul.
The fact that my fiancee can still get the urge to write me a note when she’s thinking about me pretty much turns me into a blushing fool. And you know what? Sappy or Tacky, I don’t care. Whatever others call it, I call it Love. And I wouldn’t have it any other way. 🙂