Charlize Makenzie Aragona-Turgeon's Photo Album

Family Members

Papa & Kyle & Charlize

Can you see why I love them? What a gorgeous family!

Mom and Daughter


Papa and Daughter


Kyle & Charlize

Kyle & Charlize

Kyle just loves hugging his sister, he's a great big brother!

Melyssa - Proud Big Sister


Here's the big sister, now we just need to catch a photo of the other big brother! Even though he spent loads of time caring for Charlize he eluded all photos so far!

James - Proud Big Brother


Finally her big brother! She's lucky to have him around to protect her!


Casey sniffing the new member of the family, making sure she's acceptable I gather, or munchable...

Arrière Grandmaman

Great Grand-Maman

First great grand-daughter for my grandparents! Elle aime bercer!

Sylvie's new Godchild!


Sylvie now the auntie and a godmother to the cutest little girl! Shopping anyone?

Ma Tante Guylaine


Elle aussi aime me bercer!

Zio Carlo


Another little girl joins the family!

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