Diary of a Dad - 1997 Journal

I've always wanted to put a short Parenting Journal up on the web, but couldn't decide on the kind of format I wanted. After all, most surfers read whatever comes up on their screen first, and don't always scroll downwards to see what else is on a page. That's why many journal-type pages have the latest entries at the top. The reader in me doesn't like that. It's too much like reading a book in reverse chapter order! So, I've decided to make my journal linear :)

birds on wire

Monday March 3, 1997

It's hard to get any sleep when you have to get up to go to the Hospital for a scheduled c-section. So, no one really slept the night before. Got there at 6:20am and checked in, got prepped, and waited. And waited. And finally at 9:20am, we're wheeled to the operating room. Gina goes in and I go into the changing room to put on appropriate clothes. I walk out feeling like a mummy. Gina didn't even recognize me as all that was visible were my glasses!

So there I am, in their best E.R. togs, ready to assist.
"All right, where do you want me?" I ask.
"Just go over there and hold your wife's hand."
"I thought I was here to assist?" I ask.
"You are. That's why you're going to go sit next to your wife and hold her hand."
"Don't I get to hand you a forecep?" I ask.
"No, you just get to hold your wife's hand."
"But I can hold her hand any time! Can I hand you a scalpel?" I ask.
"No, just hold your wife's hand."
I shrug my shoulders and go sit next to her, holding her hand.
"Hey, what's that button do!" I ask.
"It monitors her heartbeat."
"Cool. Hey, why are you putting up this screen in front of us? I can't see anything!"
"You don't have to see anything. Just hold your wife's hand."
"Aw nuts..."
Later: "Oh, I see the head!" says the nurse.
"Where?! Where?!" I ask. "I can't see anything!"
Well, before we knew it, Melyssa took her first gulp of air and began shrieking. I was quite happy she was a girl as even just prior to being wheeled into the operating room, no decision had been reached on a name had she been a boy!

birds on wire

Friday March 7, 1997

We checked out of the Hospital today. Melyssa's still sick and her weight hasn't stabilized. Doctor advised us to change milk. We now bought Soy Milk, lactose free (maybe she takes after me in being lactose intolerant).

We came home and James was quite excited yelling "A Baby! A Baby!" over and over. I hope this lasts and he never feels threatened.

birds on wire

Saturday March 8, 1997

The Soy Milk seems to be working fine! Melyssa's been drinking it without problems. She burps well and doesn't have constant tummy trouble. Hopefully she'll start gaining weight now! We go back to the Hospital to check her on Monday.

Oh yeah, her bellybutton already dropped off the remaining umbilical cord! That was fast!

birds on wire

Monday March 10, 1997

Sometimes I wonder if kids instinctively know when their parents have to go to work? Melyssa and James slept very well through both Friday and Saturday nights. Last night, however, no go. Melyssa just wouldn't settle down until sometime after midnight. Then, James got up and came over about 30 minutes later, just as I was finally dozing off! I tucked him back in, tossed and turned a little more, and Melyssa began whimpering. Once she quieted down, I slept for a bit because at about 2:30am, James was once again up and about. Put him back and it was suddenly 4:00am and time for Melyssa's feeding. 5:00am rolled around and James was again in the room and I put him in bed with us. 6:00am and I'm still awake. 6:30am and James jumps out of bed, grabs my hand and tries to pull me out of bed: "No Daddy bed!" ... I sometimes wonder if kids weren't the real reason coffee was invented...

Good news at the Hospital! Melyssa's gained 3 ounces so it seems the milk change did good! What a load off our minds!

birds on wire

Friday March 28, 1997

Breakfast always makes me smile. For as far back as I can remember, my favorite breakfast food was Corn Flakes and Quik (for those who don't know, Quik is chocolate powder. pour it into milk, and you get chocolate milk! (grin)). I had tried other varieties, but always went back to that one. Then, as I got older, I found that if I didn't eat a really big breakfast, I would be starving by 10:00am! So, I switched to Raisin Bran (and Quik, of course) since it seemed to fill me up more.

When James started joining me for breakfast (or rather, when I started joining *him* -he being the early bird of the family), I would make a bowl of Froot Loops, or Corn Pops, or Cheerios for him, and Raisin Bran (and Quik) for me. Eventually, he got tired of eating in his own bowl and would demand to eat out of mine. So, I started making extra-large bowls for the both of us to eat out of. Again, we've tried various combinations, but have settled into (for the last 6 months at least) a bowl of Raisin Bran + Honey Nut Cheerios + Fruity Pebbles + Quik Cereal (can you believe it!! The real-life equivalent of Calvin & Hobbes Chocolate Frosted Mini-Bombs!). And yes, I still sprinkle Quik powder on it as well (smile)

birds on wire

Saturday March 29, 1997

I used to be amazed at how James quickly learned which buttons powered my computer. The first thing he learned was how to power it on and off. When he started enjoying the wallpaper I had in Windows, I got a shareware program called Graphic Workshop which would enable me to tag all the bitmapped images he liked and allow him to browse through them one at a time. I set up his own directory and stored various pictures (Looney Toons, Flinstones, Disney, Sesame Street, etc.) and he would sit there for long stretches of time, pressing ENTER to scroll through them.

Go forward a few months. I bought an educational CD ROM by Creative Wonders called Sesame Street Let's Make A Word. You could put the various characters in different scenarios and click on objects which they would speak about, rhyme with, or spell. It's nice, but James really only liked seeing them and hearing the characters talk.

Go forward a few more months to today. I bought another educational CD ROM by the same company called Sesame Street Numbers. This one, James can really get in to! You're ON Sesame Street and can walk up and down it with Elmo as your guide. Clicking on various items you get to play several number games. You can even go visit with Bert & Ernie, Big Bird, or The Count. Each of them are ready to play more number games as well as having clickable items. James simply loves it! I leave him ALONE at my computer and he manipulates the mouse with ease. His hand-eye co-ordination has really picked up as he understands the co-relation between his moving of the mouse and the movement of the star on the screen. The game challenges his memory skills as well as his numerical ones. He still can't count to ten yet but I know he'll get the hang of counting in sequence. One small victory is that he no longer tries to ignore the number three!! Gone is his: 'one... two... four...' replaced by: 'one... two... three...'

People may shout and holler that shows like Barney and Sesame Street are unhealthy for kids, but you'll never hear that from me. Barney helped make James' first sentence: "I Love You" and made him appreciate and enjoy music. Sesame Street has cemented that joy and continued his education. I adore singing songs with him and look forward to the day Melyssa can join in on our sing-alongs! :)

I have a picture of this, too (in case you haven't scanned through the online Photo Album yet). You can find it here: James working magic on my computer!

birds on wire

Wednesday April 2, 1997

The Baby's growing! At her monthly checkup today, the Doc told us that she now weighs 8 pounds, 8 ounces! She grew 2 inches and gained 2 pounds in 1 month! No wonder she's always hungry! :)

Actually, that's quite true. I'm so worn out the bags under my eyes sometimes feel like they're permanent. She wakes up about twice during the night for feeding, and James gets the urge to walk into our bedroom requesting a hug and kiss from me 2 to 3 times a night, usually at different times than Melyssa wakes! (yawn)

birds on wire

Sunday April 20, 1997

Ok, so where have I been? Well, life's been getting in the way recently. You see, I've decided to pursue my Certified Netware 3 Engineer degree and those courses, along with my MANY other personal writing assignments, added to the daily requirements of Fatherhood, have greatly cut into my web-tuning time. What? You'd like to go through a day with me? Ok. Where should I begin.... Hmmm... as tempting as the morning alarm is, I'm afraid I have to start earlier.

I try to get to bed by 11:00pm every night, with Melyssa having been fed and put to bed at least by 9:30pm or 10:00pm the latest. So, she'll usually wake up between 1:30am and 3:30am and it'll take about an hour to get her fed and put back to bed. On a good night. On a bad night that time can go up to 2 hours. Usually, 30 minutes after she's asleep, James will get up to try to get into bed with me. I put him back. He'll come back again between 5:00am and 6:00am at which point I have to soon get up (due to both lack of space and that I have to go to work). Once I'm up, so is James. Within 30 minutes, his mom has to get up as well since I have to leave for work.

Work by 7:30am or 8:00am and I go through until 4:00pm, taking lunch every 2nd or 3rd day. Home by 5:00pm to supper which happens between that time and 6:00pm-6:30pm (as Melyssa usually feeds around that time). Shortly afterwards, 6:30pm-7:00pm, their mother bathes Melyssa while I bathe James. After his bath, I brush his teeth, read him a story, and get him ready for bedtime. If he's not tired, the routine of me putting him in bed and him getting out to get me to put him back lasts about an hour. If he's tired, it'll be 20 minutes. At any rate, by 9:00pm he's asleep. I get to spend maybe an hour relaxing and then it's time to prepare Melyssa's formula and to get some sleep. Go back to the beginning, and read again.

And somewhere in this schedule I have to find the time for my writing, my networking courses, my html programming courses, my web-designing, my side business, my BBS, and various other projects both personal and professional!! It's enough to drive one to drink. If there were time for that... (grin)

birds on wire

Monday April 21, 1997

Today's topic is: Communication. Specifically, a cute story about James. You see, he's 2 and a half now and is talking up a storm. He started speaking late as he has 3 languages to deal with, but now you should hear him mix them all up in sentences! I'll have more stories about that at another time. He's hilarious that way.

Sometimes, when I speak to him in a manner he doesn't like (you know the kinds of talks like "pick up your toys" and "put on your jacket") he'll look up at me and say: "No talkame, Daddy!" and then shake his head, giggling all the way. Well, this weekend, while we were getting ready to go out for a walk, HE was coming to ME about wanting to play instead of going outside. I was feeling giddy myself and thus told him "No talkame, James!" He started laughing and answered: "No! Ames talka Daddyyyyyy!" (he's only just now speaking his name, but hasn't quite gotten the hang of the "J" yet). We both erupted into giggling fits.

Aaaaah... nothing bonds as well as shared laughter, I'll tell you that... (big smile)

birds on wire

Thursday April 24, 1997

She's *sleeping*?!? I'm risking the curse of jinxing something by speaking up, but I can't hold it back any more! Something nice happened this weekend. Sunday night, we put Melyssa to bed at around 9:30pm, after her feeding. Now, normally, she would wake up at around 2:00am wanting to be fed. However, this time, she woke up at 4:00am. An extra 2 hours of sleep! Wow! Very glad about it, but not thinking further on it, Monday night, we put her again to bed at 9:30pm and *again* she got up at 4:00am!! Ooooooooh boy! (Non-Parents may not understand this, but for those who've gone through it, we know how joyous an occasion this can be (smile)).

Tuesday night, the same thing happened. We were trying not to get too anxious. And then, Wednesday night she was a little restless. Thus, I was only able to get her to fall asleep at around 10:30pm. What happened this morning? Did she get up at 2:00am? No. Did she get up at 4:00am? No! She got up at 6:20am!!

I'm still not sure if this means anything other than she was really tired, though, as she did spend the better part of the day sleeping. However, she was still tired after her feeding tonight and I put her to bed at 9:45pm. We'll see if this trend keeps on for good. Maybe she'll take after James who was actually sleeping his nights before he was two months old.

birds on wire

Tuesday April 29, 1997

James had been complaining about the sunlight whenever we went outside so this weekend I decided to buy him a pair of sunglasses. He's actually the one who picked them out (after having tried on dozens). I must admit, he looked simply adorable. So, anyhow, after that, whenever someone saw him, they just gushed at how cute he looked and he would smile his really big smile and be happy. Sunday morning, I brought him to the Deli with me and the girls serving us were all over him (they're very big fans). When he put on his sunglasses, they squealed even more saying how cute he was and generally making a big fuss. James quite literally BEAMED. A huge smile splattered on his face, giggling. Then, he turns to me and says: "Daddy, me content!" (content being french for happy). What a little stud... (smile)

birds on wire

Friday May 9, 1997

Ever have one of those weeks? Well, this one definately ranks up there. Sunday night, after coming home from a trip up north, we unpacked and then decided to go downstairs to my folks' place. As we're going down the stairs, Gina's left knee goes out and she went sprawling down the last few steps, landing on her right foot. All this without dropping Melyssa! We called her friend (Carmie, James' Godmother) who picked her up and took her to the hospital. I stayed home to take care of the kids (you see, here, a minimum wait time at a hospital is 3 hours). They got back at around 9pm with instructions to go back the following morning since there was a possibility of fracture.

So, Monday morning, her parents drove down. Her dad took her to the hospital while her mom took care of the kids, and I went to work. Good news: No fracture. Bad news: Torn Ligaments. She'll be on crutches all week. I stay at work late to make up time and in order to get some studying done.

Tuesday morning I head over to the training center to write my exam. I get there at 8:30 and am scheduled for 9:00. The administrator gets the list and I'm not on it. I call the registrar and they tell me I am and attempt to send the test to the center. Lots of difficulty doing it. Good news: they get through, I take the exam and pass. Bad news: I ended up waiting 2 hours for an exam I aced in 12 minutes. (ok, so not really *bad* news (g))

Wednesday night I work late as there are hardware upgrades to be done to the Network Server. Everything seems to be going well from 6:30pm on. But, every now and again strange messages appear on the installation screen. At 9:30pm, it just seems to stop. I start to panic. We get tech support on the phone but the tech I hired to help with the installation doesn't seem to be able to properly transmit the situation to them. Thus, TechSup advises us that it's normal procedure. By 11pm, with no change in sight, I get the tech to call back Support but again he's not explaining himself properly, so I rip the phone from his hands and tell them what's really going on. Scary news: It either worked, and we have 8 extra GIG of disk space, or it didn't, and we lost everything we had (24Gig of data). Good news: everything worked. Better news: my heart didn't explode. What a night.

Thursday morning I wake up to find James has dried blood in his right ear. His mom tells me he jammed a cotton swab into it the previous night, badly hurting himself. My heart can't take it any more but I don't pass out. I get dressed and take him to the clinic. Bad news: we wait almost 2 hours. Good news: doctor says he's fine and the blood was just a scratch.

Well, that was a hell of a week. But, I can't close off without at least one cute story. While I was putting on his jacket after the doctor checked him over, he was asking why she hadn't listened to his heart. I explained that we were there for his ears and that she'd check his heart at another appointment. Then he says: "Me Wah Doc-tor?" (translation: can I give her a kiss? (mmwah!). I said I'd ask and we go see her as she's filling out some forms. I tell her his request and she happily agrees and he goes over and gives her a kiss, the little stud (g).

Of course, his cutesiness didn't last the day. Late afternoon he decides to empty a bottle of baby oil all over his bed. *sigh* Oh yeah, almost forgot. At night, he decided to play with the windows in the living room, effectively closing it on the fingers on his left hand.

Today at work wasn't so hot either. I definately could have used a stiff drink...

birds on wire

Monday May 19, 1997

I thought, after that last entry, that things would get back to normal. Hoy was I wrong! May has turned into a pretty bad month. May 14th I turned 30 (if you want to read more about my feelings on this issue, check out my Reflections On Turning 30 article). Not really an event sad or otherwise, but one I hoped would be a nice day. I took the day off as I normally do (it's a gift to myself) and planned on spending it with the family. We went to Tunnels & Funnels in the morning (pictures should be arriving here soon!), had lunch, and then did a few other errands I had planned.

Shortly after we got home, we found Melyssa with a fever and even shaking. Her lips had lost their color and we got worried and took her to the Hospital. Since she's only 2 months, we were let in right away. 103 degree fever will give you those priviledges. After hours of agonizing worry (6 to be precise) in which all kinds of tests were run on her (including the lumbar exam for meningitis) we found out she had UTI (Urinary Tract Infection). She was in good shape as her fever had broke soon after she had been given Tempra. But, she had to stay at the Hospital for a minimum of 3 days. Oh boy...

During the course of the next couple of days, we had worries and we had tests, but, finally, on Saturday afternoon, she was released. We have to keep giving her antibiotics for a total of 10 days, but at least they're both home. It was an exhausting week. I could probably write up a few articles on all the sick kids at the hospital, but it's kind of sad. I have enough problems watching people suffer, but when the suffering is happening to children, it's that much worse.

Here's hoping that the next few entries are joyous ones, ok?

birds on wire

Thursday June 6, 1997

Well, after that last entry, things didn't settle down. A couple of days later, Melyssa wasn't keeping anything down. We headed to the clinic who told us that her body had probably had enough antibiotics and took her off them. A few days after THAT (Saturday the 24th) she had gone completely dry and started projectile vomiting. Took her back to the hospital who informed us that she had caught a gastrointestinal bug. Soon after it once again looked like things had settled when we got called on Wednesday (the 28th) to go back as there had been traces of microbes found in her urine tests. So, once more, 3 more hours at the hospital for further tests. I believe it's all over now. Two reasons: If there were any negative results, they would have called us by last Friday. 2, May is now over. (g)

On a happier note, the family is up north this week as I'm using this week to take my next NetWare class (which will make me a Certified Netware 4 Adminstrator. Another certificate to add to last July's CNA 3). James seems to have finally caught onto the concept of potty training. I speak with them every day and every day he excitedly tells me of all the times he's used the potty (proud daddy grin). Another milestone in his life.

And now that the sun is here, let's all get back to enjoying ourselves, shall we?

birds on wire

Wednesday June 11, 1997

Let me tell you something, in case you haven't already guessed it: When your child is potty-trained, it's a wonderful, wonderful feeling! There's this tremendous weight that seems to lift from you that it almost makes you feel like shouting for joy. (g) Karen, A friend of mine, a wonderful person and someone you should speak with (KMcrae@ceseducation.com) if you're thinking of taking Computer Courses to advance your station in life, told me last week that when both her daughters were potty trained, she threw a Potty Party for them, inviting the family over for the celebration. Seems a little much? Wait until you have kids ... (smile). I celebrated with James by getting him a lot of Winnie The Pooh books (hey, there's a pun in there!) whom he (and, I must admit, I) really like.

Melyssa's doing rather well. She's sleeping through the nights like a real trouper and has started babbling/talking non-stop. Lots of coo-ing and giggling makes for a lot of silly faces and funny sounds in adults and babies alike (smile). My mom sewed her Baptism outfit (and it's stunning!) and we're preparing for the day (which will be on Sunday July 6th at the same church James was Baptised, I was Confirmed and had my First Communion in).

birds on wire

Tuesday June 24, 1997

Something happened recently which I found hilarious, but which the kids' mother wasn't too pleased with. However, I now understand what all those other parents were complaining about in regards to The Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.

Let me explain. When I was young, I enjoyed watching UltraMan. For those who don't know who this "hero" is, let's just say he's the grandfather of the Power Rangers. Anyhow, he was a lot of fun and I don't believe watching those shows made me any more violent than anything else I watched. Now, a few years ago I was lucky enough to have gotten my hands on a number of episodes on tape. These were from its various incarnations (UltraMan, Ultra 7, UltraMan Jack, UltraMan Leo, UltraMan Taro, etc) and best of all, in their original Japanese!! I'm sorry, but I just can't handle watching an english-dubbed version of the show. UltraMan should sound like a Japanese, NOT John Wayne!!

Anyhow, this past weekend I decided I'd initiate James into some UltraFun. I figured he'd like the show as he is quite a lot like me. I was right. He loved it!! He would get excited when the monsters appeared (he calls them "Gangalea" for some reason) and whenever UltraMan would defeat them (essentially blowing them up) he'd yell "Oh, no! Gangalea broke!" I would laugh hysterically (g)

The thing which upset his mother, though, was how James suddenly understood basic fighting techniques and would imitate UltraMan by holding his fists together and throwing his arms at me while yelling "ha! argh! Daddee Gangalea!" Again, this is still a hoot to me. But, when he does it to her and Melyssa, well, that's the problem. I've tried to make him understand that he's only allowed to 'fight' with me. I hope it sticks. After all, I plan on introducing him to Godzilla next... (smile)

birds on wire

Friday August 29,1997

(This is a re-printing of a previous entry which was lost during my file crash.) Let me open up by letting those who don't know it yet that I have been branded for life. Oh, it's not as bad as it seems. I just got a Tattoo (smile)

It's something I've thought about for the longest time and have always wanted to get. But, with me, everything's personal. Let me explain: simply put, everything means something to me. The music I listen to, the tv I watch, the movies I enjoy, the books I read. They are all deeply personal to me and must connect with me in that way in order to truly be appreciated. So, when it came to picking a spot for the tattoo (not to mention the tattoo itself) a lot of consideration went into it. First, the spot. That was easy. I wanted it on my chest above my heart because a) I wanted it in a spot where *I* could also enjoy it. And 2) it would have to be something to inspire me or be on a soul level. As for the tattoo, I've been trying out temporary ones since middle of last year, trying to find something I wanted. Then, in July, I hit upon a Black Panther.

From the first night I put it on, I felt different. First week of August, I took a week's vacation to spend with the family. One of those days was spent at the Tattoo Parlor (Tattouage Artistique -THE place to go if you really want one!) getting a Black Panther growling head. It's rather large, and was quite costly, and for over 90 minutes, I sat in that chair in extreme agony, but it was worth it. As I sat there, I thought of ways to describe what I was going through, and I just couldn't. The sensation of being burned open as though with a laser was the closest I came. I felt sliced. After all, here was a needle, going as deep as a dime is thick into me, at the rate of 20 incisions per second! The pain was excruciating. I fully understood why some people actually pass out from the pain. And the fact that the chest is the second most sensitive part of the human body didn't help except to heighten the pain.

I tried to fight the pain, I tried to ride the wave, I tried to haze myself over. I tried everything until it was finally over. In my mind, I was seeing a young Indian brave with two spikes through his shoulders, tied to a pole, in a rite of manhood. That kept me going. The Panther was a symbol that came to me in a dream which linked a past lifetime as an Indian Medicine Woman, to the spiritual energy of the earth and animals.

When the deed was over, I was exhausted but exhilarated. And after the 10 days of healing pain subsided, I stared at it and bonded with it in a different way. And now, it comforts me always.

By the way, I still buy temporary tattoos. James absolutely loves them! Whenever I give him a new one, he runs around showing it off to whoever wants to look, including anyone that comes for a visit! It's cute. It really is. (smile) And he remembers stuff, too! His memory has always amazed me! But when he recently was looking through some of the .Gif files I keep on my hard drive (Disney and Warner Brother images I get from the net), he saw one of a pair of parrots and immediately started pointing to his chest in the same area where I have my current tattoo, yelling: "Daddy ad that!". And I did have a temp parrot tattoo. Almost a year ago. My son has been amazing me for as long as I've known him. (grin) Oh yes, just so you all know, we (James and I) named my tattoo Bagheera (after the character in Disney's The Jungle Book, of course (big grin))

birds on wire

Tuesday October 14, 1997

I'm so depressed. Somehow, this Journal file got completely corrupted and I lost all the work I've done on it since June 24th (which was the last backup I had of it. Pretty depressing, I know). If anyone has a copy of this file in their CACHE, please, please, please email it to me. I'd done so many changes to it since June that there's no way for me to know or remember precisely what they were. I just spent the last hour going through all the cache directories on my 2 systems to no avail. And after winning an award for this site and everything, too. (very sad look)

birds on wire

Sunday October 19, 1997

Well, no luck so far. I've gone through every file and hard drive I could think of, asked everyone who's surfed this page to see if they had a copy of the journal in their cache, and nothing. So, it's time to rebuild. Now, I know I didn't have too many entries in the months that were lost, but I do know there was an important one or two. It's too bad I can't remember them. 3 I do remember dealt with some old posts I had shared from a few years back on my Bulletin Board System, Melyssa's Baptism, and another had something to do with coming to grips with some nostalgia. The entry about nostalgia was actually a pointer to another on-line article I've written called Losing Nostalgia. Check it out. As for the BBS posts, those I still have so I'll just represent them here:

Savage #1 @20374 [New Age Guru] Mon Nov 21 16:25:30 1994

I'm finally taking some vacation time and spending 95% of my time with my son. I get up with him at 7:00 every morning and feed him while mom gets in at least another hour of sleep. Then, after baby's bath, we find things to do together and stay together all day long. "Zabu" usually falls asleep on me after his feedings and really prefers to sleep in our arms instead of his bed. If, when he's in a deep sleep, we put him to bed, he's awake and wants out within 20 minutes. This only happens during the days as once nightime comes around, and we all go to bed, he's fine until the next morning's feeding :) I guess he just doesn't like to sleep alone! :)

Yesterday made 2 months for him, and today was his second visit to the doctor. He's now 25" long and weighs 15pounds! :) He also got his first vaccination (ouch) :( We stopped off at the church on our way home and set the date for his Baptism (January 15, 1995) :)

Let's see, what else is there... Oh yeah, Saturday I got him to mimic "Hello"!! I couldn't believe my ears, but there it was! I even got it on videotape! *sigh* I love this little dude so much he brightens up my whole day when he smiles :)


Savage #1 @20374 [Wake-Up Time!] Sat Apr 08 01:27:35 1995

I'm getting a kick out of reading about babies "remembering" musical sounds! The same thing happened/happens with my son and Entertainment Tonight! We are usually finished supper and dishes at about the time ET starts, and whenever we're in the living room and the theme music plays, my son will invariably look up to the tv very quickly! He'll even do that if he's in his chair or playpen and his mother or I hum the theme :)

Ahhhh kids... with their angelic faces and smiles... it's SO easy to fall in love :) The hardest thing for me to do is go to work in the morning. I usually leave by 7:00am (when I'm feeling lazy) and he'll be awake at that time and coo-ing in his bed. So, I go see him and talk to him and he'll look up at me with his big smile as though he never expected to see me again before he fell asleep the night before. It makes me so happy to see him that it breaks my heart to leave for work. Of course, my heart fills up with joy when I get back home from work and he sees me and immediately smiles at me :)

Being a father is a marvelous thing. Sorry if I'm rambling. I should be asleep right now, but I don't get very many chances to take a stroll through the BBS and it's worth it (even though I'll be paying for it when my son wakes up in about 4 hours and I have to take care of him (weekends it's my duty :) ) ) Oh well...


Savage #1 @20374 [Obi-Wan Canoogie] Wed May 31 21:09:32 1995

Ok, re-intro time (or catch up time :) ). I've got an 8.5month son James (who's known online as Zabu). I am having the time of my life watching this little dude grow and change SO MUCH in such a short time! He's goo-ing and ga-ing all the time, crawling around like a little demon. He's now enjoying climbing on stuff and standing up. But then, when he twists around to look around the room and falls on his butt, he gets upset and cries in anger! It's so cute and sad all at the same time! (smile)

All I know is that his little smiling face makes everything in life worthwhile. The struggles, the early mornings, the commute to work, the headaches. It's really worth it to ensure that he's safe, happy, and always ready with a big smile for daddy :)


I never expected fatherhood to feel this good! Maybe it's to help ease the problems that arise when they get older? (snicker)

birds on wire

Thursday November 6, 1997

More sick-kid stories to relate. The past couple of weeks have been nothing more than running back and forth, in and out, from one hospital to another. The night of the 12th, James woke up SCREAMING in pain and almost hyperventilating. He was doubled-over and kept crying and moaning wanting us to make the pain stop. We were worried he may have been experiencing apendicitis but by the time we rushed to the hospital, his fever had abated and he seemed his regular self within an hour. We decided to head home since there was only one doctor working emergency that night with 8 rooms with waiting patients and another 5 in front of us. The nurse agreed that since he was doing much better, and it was the first night of fever, it would be safe to go home.

Except that two nights later, it happened again. And then again. I took him to the clinic but they couldn't find anything wrong with him and suggested I take him back to the hospital if it happened again. The previous week, we had taken Melyssa to the hospital because she'd had fever for 3 nights. They'd found problems in her urine and we were told to run some more tests. The day I brought James home from the clinic, I picked up Melyssa and we headed to the hospital for another urine test. When we got back home, James was in bad shape with a high fever. So, we dropped Melyssa off with my mom, picked up James, and headed back to the hospital. 4 hours, many tears, and numerous tests later, we get the verdict that he had pneumonia in his right lung.

It had been a very stressful week, but at least we knew what was up. So, in a matter of two weeks, Melyssa had caught a small bronchial pneumonia, and James had caught pneumonia. Once they were all cured (or on their way), I finally broke down and caught a cold as well. Luckily for me, as I recovered I got to go to Florida as part of a Corporate Incentive Program where I work. But when I got back, Melyssa was still sick. She'd had a small fever and diarrhea for a week so once more we went to the hospital for more tests. On a second visit, we finally had to also provide blood and stool samples. Now, I don't know about you, but seeing a small child with a needle in its arm pulling blood was rather sad.

Yesterday, we finally get the results back from those last samples. She has another bacteria in her body which more than likely came about from the antibiotics she had to take to fight off her bronchial pneumonia. Lovely. So, the doctor prescribed some more antibiotics and we had to go back to the clinic today for yet another urine sample! Now, we have to wait for next week to get the results and to go see the doctor again. Let's hope it ends soon.

And in the middle of all this, my next door neighbor and close family friend for the last 25 years passed away. His death was sudden and totally unexpected and hit me a lot harder than I thought it would have. Once I've come to grips with it, I'll write something up and include it on my site with a link from here.

birds on wire

Tuesday November 25, 1997

Well, things haven't really gotten better. Since I last wrote, I've learned of various misfortunes to strike my friends, as well as continual health problems with my daughter. I've gone back to the doctor for her so many times I've actually lost count. We did go the week following my last entry as she'd suddenly developed another fever and was constantly having diarrhea. Her doctor prescribed some more anti-biotics and we went home. After a few days, her coughing had abated, her diarrhea stopped, but her fever still lingered. Then, suddenly she'd started vomiting and the diarrhea came back stronger than ever. We figured it was her body telling us it had had enough of anti-biotics and we took her off of them. Things didn't change and so we rushed her back to the hospital today. After much too long a wait at the hospital, her situation had worsened so they rushed to get her to a doctor. He basically stated that she's suffering from a gastro and that her body is too full of anti-biotics and didn't know what it was trying to fight. So, we were given the usual things to do for battling gastro, which basically means Pedialyte for a couple of days. Since she doesn't have a fever and is quite in good spirits, the doctor wasn't worried. But, if things don't improve in a couple of days, we've gotta go back once more.

As I've been mentioning, this is getting very draining. The constant battling of bugs is wearing us down. I'm feeling a little better than I've been in the last few weeks, though. Natural "time heals all wounds" thing, I guess. In fact, I'm getting tired of having to tell those who ask out of genuine concern what the latest problem is in my life. How can I concentrate on positive energy if I'm always being reminded of the dragging? (smile). So, just for that, I'm going to end this entry with a cute story (fans of The Aristocats will get a kick out of it):

During the week I was in Florida, the family was up north. James was being the little terror he can be at times and one night during supper, his grandfather was basically trying to tell him what he could and couldn't do. James just looked at his plate and slowly muttered "Meee the leaaaader..." When they told me of this, I laughed out loud! That kid is hysterical! The Aristocats is a movie we both love and I always get in on the singing and dancing whenever we watch it (and often when we don't). I used that "I'm the leader" line on him once or twice recently and so for him to use in on his grandfather was just priceless (LOL!!!)

By the way, I've also re-inserted my Tattoo story into this journal.

birds on wire

Thursday December 11, 1997

I think it's time for a quick update on everything! Ok, where to begin.... First off: James. He went to Daycare for the first time this week (on the 9th). I was feeling a little weird about the whole thing, as I don't really like the idea of leaving him with "strangers". As I talked with him the night before (trying to get him excited about the prospect) I got the impression that he wasn't really keen on the idea. In fact, he seemed very scared that he'd be alone there. I warned his mother about it that night and told her to just be careful. When I spoke with her the next day, she told me things went rather well. He was very excited about going (and in fact kept stopping all our neighbors to tell them about it as they walked over to the center). According to the women at the center, he was very happy when he was occupied, but when things began to wane, he'd ask about his mom. When she called around noon-ish to see how things were going, they explained how he seemed to be ok (no tantrums, or tears) but told her maybe she should pick him up since it was his first day. She went over and found him sitting alone, looking very sad, and the minute he saw her, he burst out crying and ran to her. She calmed him down and asked about the things he did, if he had fun, etc, and soon he was all bubbly again. When I got home that night, he told me all about the day and showed off the wreath he had made. *sigh* The only thing I feel sad about is that (because I'm taking some courses this week) I wasn't able to go with him on his first day. But I do believe it's a positive experience for him and will help him get along with other kids.

Now, Melyssa. We've still been going back and forth to the hospital for more urine tests and the prognosis seems to be that her UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) which is really a small bacteria she's afflicted with, doesn't want to heal. Thus, we're going to have to take her to a children's specialist to see if they can cure her. In the meantime, we'll have to keep going back each month for tests to ensure it doesn't get worse. (The worry is, of course, that it can affect and damage her kidney and her growth). Other than that, she's in good spirits most of the time, and is making lots of funny faces since her two bottom front teeth sprouted.

That's it for tonight. I'm being yelled at to get to bed 'cause it's late and I'm making too much noise working on this (I've got a click-keys keyboard (smile).

birds on wire

Saturday December 20, 1997

Quick recap of week: Monday, took Melyssa to the clinic because she'd been coughing something fierce. Turns out she now has bronchitus. Back on anti-biotics for 10 days. Wednesday, James came screaming into our room that his ear hurt. We took him in and found that he has an ear infection. Back on anti-biotics for 10 days. He'd also been complaining about his leg hurting (he used to complain that his feet would hurt whenever we went for walks) so we made an appointment to see a podiatrist. Sure enough, he has to wear arch-supports on both his feet. Melyssa's antibiotics are giving her diarrhea and sometimes causing her to throw up. We can't take her off the medication, though, since it's too early. So there you have it. We're waiting on blood results for Melyssa. In the meantime, we have to take her for a urine test every month until her appointment in March. She's constantly fighting one thing or another. James will have to wear arch supports for the next 3 years, with a bi-monthly visit to the doctor to see how it's going. And that's all I'm going to be saying about this.

Really. I want to end this year and start the next one without constantly recapping what's going on with the kids in terms of health issues. Obviously, if something comes up that I need to talk about, I will. But the on-going "she has this now, he has this now" is ending. I will report when we find out that everything's fine.

Now, to end this journal with a breakfast recap: As those of you who've been reading for a while, or who've read all I've written, know, breakfast is a special time for me and James. Our routine has recently been amended so that we now have what we call BIG Breakfasts on the weekends. This consists of 2 slices of buttered toast for each of us, one Eggo each, a shared bowl of cereal (usually consisting of Quick Cereals, Froot Loops, and Cheerios or Raisin Bran), and a glass of Strawberry-Banana-Orange Juice each. He sits on my lap and we enjoy all the food spread out before us on the table. Of course, during the week, we can't indulge like that, so we'll generally just grab a glass of juice and toast. (smile)

Here's wishing Happy Holidays to everyone and hoping that 1998 turns out to be 199-GREAT! See you in the New Year (and new journal!)

birds on wire

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